Friday, April 1, 2011


I am struggling on whether to "hunt" my son down to let him know about his grandfather.  The other evening my daughter mentioned to me that maybe I should find him to let him know about his g-pa's health situation.  My DS has not contaced me since August and as for the rest of his family it has been years.  I feel that if he really wanted to be involved he would stay in contact.  Well.....I did try to contact him but he changed his number and did not tell anyone (another clue he does not want to associate).  However me and my brilliant investigative skills I found a common friend that has his new number.  I texted him to please call me and the immediately respoded with "huh why?" and nothing since.  So I feel ok with not pursuing this any further.  It sure hurts though to not have him around in a regular fashion.  Even just on occasion.  I know he is troubled and possibly using drugs, but I sure miss him !!!  *sigh*

My stepdad gets moved to a neuro rehab today !!  This is wonderful.  He will be only 10 minutes from home for my mom.  I hope that he will only have to be there for a few weeks.  He is very ready to start getting better.  I am thrilled. 

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