Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Blood Clot....gahhd

So life again throws a little twist in normalcy.  3 weeks ago my poor stepdad had to be careflighted to a hospital in Reno due to a blood clot on his brain (Subdural Hematoma).  My mother who the doctors have credited for saving his life has been at his side everyday, all day !!  What a freaking battle this has been.  This man who was very healthy, active and life loving had a burst blood vessel and forever everyone's life has now changed.  Brain injury really sucks.  4 brain surgeries in 3 weeks and now they finally just removed a portion of his skull to allow the brain to swell, which has been a good move.  However, now there is a fungus infection that is causing hallucinations, fevers and very odd behavior.  We have a battle ahead.  Once he gets into rehab I pray he can get some of his functioning life back.  Day by day...

He was moved to the Neuro Unit at 5:00 this morning, so hopefully now he will be able to get the physical therapy he needs and the sleep he has been deprived from in the ICU...

My DD had an interview on Monday with an Orthopedic office for a back office training position.  This ended up being something a lot more than we thought.  Whether she gets the job or not, just the interview experience was good for her.  I am really proud that she followed through with it.

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